
Aging is cool,
if you manage it right

Antipodes® is a Scientific Green Beauty™ company from New Zealand that uses pollution-free, results-driven native New Zealand ingredients in its award-winning plant-powered vegan beauty™ and certified organic premium skincare range.


New Zealand Nature

Wherever you are in the world, lift the lid of an Antipodes skincare product to Connect with Nature® in New Zealand. Out here on the edge of the world, Antipodes focus on delivering the world’s highest quality skincare from our lush green forests.

New Zealand is 42 degrees south of the Equator, two islands surrounded by water that have evolved over millions of years of unpolluted nature, low population density and some of the world’s most untouched nature.

Antipodes proudly work with some of New Zealand’s best growers and innovative, high-tech producers who extract these ingredients with maximum vitality, freshness and nutrient density. These producers are passionate about working their land sustainably and about meeting our exacting standards for quality and environmental care.

ShopifyPlus Development

Shopify Plus

Visit site


Premium Ingredients

We began our engagement with a comprehensive strategy workshop to engage all stakeholders at a higher level. Through detailed analysis of Antipodes existing website and customer behaviour we crafted a quantitative understanding of the customer’s journey, buying habits and purchase drivers.

Armed with our strategic insights, our design team developed a comprehensive site design focused on improving marketing and sales performance across several specific customer touch-points with an aim to smooth out and improve the entire customer journey.


Give them the
experience they crave

Based on our market and consumer research, we knew we needed to create a compelling creative concept that married the science of the Antipodes product line while still showcasing the clean green New Zealand ‘image’ the business represented.

We visually worked through the hierarchy of the user journey, this included addressing any discomfort felt by our personas to create an industry leading browsing experience.


A work of art

Working directly with the Antipodes design team we opened up many exciting design variations that could be used on the new platform experience. Everything was designed with a consistent look and feel.

The final concept leveraged the natural beauty of the products and packaging while maintaining the key customer touch points 
and browsing experience.


I heart the cart

By leveraging the smart technology available on Shopify Plus we created an intuitive platform that could easily support complex needs, so Antipodes could focus on what matters most, making their customers happy.

By reinventing the disjointed experiences our personas were feeling we were able to reinvigorate the ecommerce offering allowing customers to easily complete a purchase anytime, anywhere.

The Results

Opening the jar

Embracing a comprehensive rebuild of their digital assets Antipodes has seen better site performance and audience engagement. Carefully located content has helped to differentiate the brand from its competitors, driving new consumers to the brand and elevating the brand’s positioning online and in stores.

45.90 %
Increase in users on site
60.70 %
Increase in Session Duration
13.10 %
Reduction in Bounce Rate

Your customers are ready to engage,
how will you reach them?

Work with us