Google Ads vs. the Competition: Unveiling the Winning Formula for Online Advertising

If you’ve tried Google Ads already and found that it wasn’t boosting your business or gaining conversions there may be a few reasons why:

No landing page

When a user clicks on your ad they are directed to a landing page. This is key for an excellent Google campaign, and will increase your conversions. A user will bounce off your website when your ad does not match your landing page. No conversion is made as the user journey is hard to navigate.

No conversion tracking

You want to make sure that if you’re spending a lot of money on your Google campaigns, you’re tracking conversions accurately. Some examples of conversion tracking are form submissions, bookings, and purchases.

No campaign optimisation

When your campaign set up is poor, your results will be poor. When setting up your campaign, you should consider your audience, objectives, targeting and copy. Always look into making improvements when you notice a campaign is under-performing.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform, where ads are displayed across the search engine, Youtube, Gmail and a network of owned and partner websites. Google works on a pay per click model, which means advertisers only pay when someone clicks on the ad.

There are different ad formats Google Ads offers.

Google Ads also work on an auction based system which determines which ads appear at the top of the results page. The auction can take into account bid amount, ad quality and expected click-through rate to determine where the ad is placed. Google Ads provide advertisers the ability to reach a wider audience and promote their products and services across the extensive network.

Why you should do Google Ads

Widespread Reach

Reach a larger audience and increase your brand visibility.

Advanced Targeting

Reach specific demographics, locations, languages, and even target users based on their interests and behaviours. This precision targeting helps you reach the right people at the right time, increasing the chances of conversion.

Immediate Results

Once Google has approved your campaign, your ads can start appearing on the search or display network within 24 hours.

Remarketing Opportunities

Remarketing campaigns can help you re-engage with potential customers, increase brand recall, and improve conversion rates.

Tracking and Measuring Success in Google Ads

Tracking and measuring the success of your Google Ads campaigns is essential for optimising your advertising efforts and achieving your marketing goals.

By monitoring key metrics and utilising the right tools, you will gain valuable insights into your campaign performance and make data-driven decisions. Always look to optimise your campaign and in turn get a return on your investment.

For any questions or queries about google ads,
talk to our digital strategist today.

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