QEII National Trust
Reimagining a better future
Recently, the team at QEII National Trust reimagined their brand and enhanced their mission — to partner with landowners to protect special places on private land for the benefit of present and future generations.

Forever Protected
QEII National trust are an independent charitable trust that partners with private landowners to protect natural and cultural heritage sites on their land with covenants. A covenant is an agreement between us and a landowner to protect land forever.
The landowner continues to own and manage the protected land, and the covenant and protection stay on the land, even when the property is sold to a new owner.
Their partnerships has created a growing network of over 44,00 protected areas throughout Aotearoa, ranging from small backyard patches to huge swathes of high country. These covenants protect more than 180,000 ha of private land and play a hugely critical role as a refuge for some of New Zealand’s rarest and most endangered biodiversity and ecosystems.

WordPress Development
A brand new look
As the QEII National trust was going through a rebrand, their digital strategy needed to adjust as well. With different goals for the landowners and the public as a whole, it became clear that it was necessary to better illustrate the trust and what it offers.

Promoting Protected Places to
Visit in New Zealand
Encouraging people to experience, appreciate and respect New Zealand’s diverse heritage by promoting public access to land owned or protected by the trust.
Encouraging Others to Get Involved in the Efforts
It was vital to create clear call-to-action for potential visitors and landowners in order to increase memberships and donations.

The numbers
The results
QEII National Trust’s new digital presence has created quite an impact. Both property owners and the general public have rallied behind their efforts and the new platform experience. The NZ Digital team was thrilled to play a role in this effort. The new website has achieved traction and has experienced robust traffic and engagement.