How can Google Shopping Ads Help eCommerce Businesses?

Google Shopping Ads let your eCommerce business promote your products to consumers online. Find out more about their benefits and how to set them up.

Setting up Google Ads is a great way to get your products in front of people when they’re online, whether they’re searching on Google, watching a video or reading a blog article.

It’s your chance to be seen, drive more traffic to your eCommerce website and increase your sales. Let’s dig into the benefits of Google Ads for eCommerce businesses in particular and how you can set them up. The benefits for Google Shopping ads for eCommerce businesses

Setting up strategic campaigns through Google Shopping ads will help you:

  • Help you reach more potential customers
  • Drive more traffic to your eCommerce website
  • Increase sales of your products
  • Gain valuable insights into what’s performing

“It’s your chance to be seen, drive more traffic to your eCommerce website and increase your sales.”

Reach more potential customers: Google Shopping ads draw on the power of Google’s extensive network to help you reach more potential customers in more places. Your ads can be shown on Google’s search results pages, Google search partner websites, as well as the Google Display Network (including YouTube, Gmail and Google Discover). This helps you reach people who are searching for products that you sell (or perhaps for solutions to problems that your products can help them solve) as well as those who are likely to be interested in your product based on the content they’re consuming on other websites.

Drive more traffic and increase sales: Drawing on the product data in Google Merchant Center, Shopping ads decide how and where to show the ads you set up, matching them to what people are searching for. This means your products will show up when relevant to a search someone makes, or when they’re browsing content that’s related to what you sell. Because someone isn’t just being served a random ad but one that matches what they’re searching for or interested in, it’s more likely they’ll click on it. This tends to mean higher click-through rates, resulting in increased traffic to your website and a greater return on investment for your business in the form of product sales.

Gain valuable insights: Another great thing about Google Ads, as with digital marketing mediums in general, is that you can get key metrics to help you analyse how your ads are performing, which products are selling and who is engaging with your campaigns, which helps you identify how you could improve.

This means your products will show up when relevant to a search someone makes, or when they’re browsing content that’s related to what you sell.

How to set up Google Shopping ads (and why it’s easier with Shopify)

When you have a Shopify website, it’s even easier to set up and manage shopping ad campaigns. You can sync all your products, run a campaign and even track the results from the Shopify platform, which saves you needing to go through the process of setting things up from scratch again. Ask us how we can design and build a Shopify website for your eCommerce business.

Google Shopping ads can be set up in Google Merchant Center. They use your product information to run strategic and targeted campaigns to potential customers. If you’re setting up Google Shopping ads in Google Merchant Center, you’ll first need to set up an account using a Google account and your business information. Then, you’ll need to set up feeds to load your products.

Setting up, managing and analysing Google Ad campaigns can be time-consuming if you want to do it right. To ensure you create campaigns with maximum impact and glean the right insights into how they’re performing, chat to us about how we can help.

Our team specialises in digital development, design and strategy for eCommerce websites, and we’ve a tonne of experience setting up effective campaigns that achieve cut-through for our clients. Get in touch today!

To ensure you create campaigns with maximum impact and glean the right insights into how they’re performing, chat to us about how we can help

We’re here to help – just get in touch.

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